パブリックリレーションズ PR (Public Relations)が本来、民主主義や資本主義における選挙はじめ政策形成における公共Public x創造Creationに果たす役割に基づき、次の十年百年の世界共通目標SDGsを超え、世界史上文明も変化する千年、日本史上縄文万年の叡智に基づく次の一万年サステナブルなデジタル社会の公共x創造、政策形成を議論します。 「PR支援:ミレニアル世代をリードするプPR集団」オール・ニッポン・レノベーション代表理事の富樫 泰良氏、ボトムアップの政策形成・政治DXを進める#横浜STARTUP副代表の柿崎 充氏、TENGAマーケティング部長の西野 芙美氏登壇!

2021年7月15日 17:00
港区, 日本、〒105-0001 東京都港区虎ノ門1丁目17−1
ANR & CePiC NTMprojects present Thursday Gathering【木曜講】
PR (Public Relations) でつくる新しい公共 ~デジタル社会の政策形成
■ 日時場所 / Date & Time
CIC Tokyo at 東京都港区 虎ノ門ヒルズ ビジネスタワー 15階
■ 参加申込 / Participation & Application
リアル参加が無理でWeb参加の場合、下記CIC TokyoのVCTサイトよりお申込みください。
■ 木曜講 タイトル/ Title
PR (Public Relations) でつくる新しい公共 ~デジタル社会の政策形成
/ Creating a New Public through PR (Public Relations): Policy Formation in a Digital Society
■ 主催 / Organizer
主催:オール・ニッポン・レノベーション / ALL NIPPON RENNOVATION ( https://www.all-nippon.org/ )
共催:セピック / Common earth Park international Community, CePiC ( https://www.cepic.earth/ )
次の一万年プロジェクト / Next Ten Millennia projects ( https://www.cepic.earth/nexttenmillennia-projects )
■ 内容/ Description
パブリックリレーションズ※、PR(Public Relations)が本来、民主主義や資本主義における選挙はじめ政策形成における公共Public x創造Creationに果たす役割に基づき、次の十年百年の世界共通目標であるSDGsを超え、世界史上文明も変化する千年、日本史上縄文万年の叡智に基づく次の一万年サステナブルなデジタル社会の公共x創造、政策形成を議論します。
「PR支援:ミレニアル世代をリードするプPR集団」である一般社団法人 オール・ニッポン・レノベーションを生徒・学生時代に立上げ代表理事を務める富樫 泰良(とがし たいら)氏を講師に、ボトムアップの政策形成・政治DXを進める#横浜STARTUP副代表の柿崎 充(かきざき まこと)氏、株式会社TENGA マーケティング本部 国内マーケティング部 部長の西野 芙美(にしの ふみ)氏という、デジタル社会x政策・生活形成の第一人者をパネリストに、次の一万年プロジェクトを進める一般社団法人CePiCメンター共同代表の御友 重希(みとも しげき)氏がモデレーターとして議論を進め、その成果を同プロジェクトで宣言にまとめていきます。
※パブリックリレーションズ(PR, Public Relations)は20世紀初頭からアメリカで発展した、組織とその組織を取り巻く人間(個人・集団・社会)との望ましい関係をつくり出すための考え方および行動のあり方である。日本には第2次世界大戦後の1940年代後半、米国から導入され、行政では「広報」と訳されたのに対し、民間企業では「PR(ピーアール)」という略語が使われてきた。しかしその後「PR」は「宣伝」とほとんど同じ意味で使われるようになり、本来持っていた意味から離れてしまった。そのため多くの組織では、その職務を「広報」と呼ぶことが多くなっている。SDGs時代の今、PRの「組織と社会あるいは公衆(Public)とのよい関係づくり」という本来の意味が見直され、世界や日本のデジタル社会x政策形成や公共x創造に果たす役割が注目されてきている。
/ Based on the role that public relations* and PR (Public Relations) essentially play in public x-creation in elections and policy formation in democracy and capitalism, we will discuss public x-creation and policy formation for the next 10,000 years of sustainable digital society based on the wisdom of 10,000 years of Jomon Era in Japan's history, beyond the SDGs, which are the common global goals for the next decade and century. In this session, we will discuss public x creation and policy formation for the Next Ten Millennia of sustainable digital society based on the wisdom of the Jomon period in Japanese history.
Mr. Taira Togashi, who founded All Nippon Renovation Inc. as a student and is the president of the organization, "PR Support: A PR Group Leading the Millennial Generation," will be the lecturer. Panelists include leading experts in digital society x policy formation: Mr. Makoto Kakizaki of #Yokohama STARTUP Vice President, who is promoting bottom-up policy formation and election DX. Ms Fumi Nishino, General Manager, Domestic Marketing Department, Marketing Division, TENGA Corporation. Mr. Shigeki Mitomo, Co-Chairman of CePiC Mentor, a general incorporated association that is promoting the Next Ten Millennia project, will moderate the discussion. Mr. Shigeki Mitomo, Co-Chairman of CePiC Mentor, will moderate the discussion, and the results will be compiled into a declaration by the project.
*Public Relations (PR, Public Relations) is a way of thinking and acting to create a desirable relationship between an organization and the people (individuals, groups, society) that surround the organization, developed in the United States since the early 20th century. It was introduced to Japan from the U.S. in the late 1940s after World War II, and was translated as "public relations" by the government, while the abbreviation "PR" was used by private companies. However, "PR" has since come to mean almost the same thing as "publicity" and has drifted away from its original meaning. In the age of the SDGs, PR's original meaning of "building a good relationship between an organization and society or the public" is being reconsidered, and its role in policy formation and public x creation in the digital society x in the world and Japan is attracting attention. The role of digital society x policy making and public x creation in the world and Japan is attracting attention.
■ 講師 / Guest Speaker
富樫 泰良(とがし たいら)(オール・ニッポン・レノベーション代表理事。)
/ Yasuyoshi Togashi (President of All Nippon Renovation)
富樫 泰良
/ Yasuyoshi Togashi(Representative Director of All Nippon Renovation. He is also the editor-in-chief of Sotobo Keizai Shimbun. A pioneer in the world of youth and politics.)
A pioneer in the world of youth and politics, he started World Peace Japan, an international volunteer network club for junior and senior high school students with 1,300 members, when he was 12 years old. She was the first active student to appear on NHK's "Sunday Debate," and has been featured in NHK's Metropolitan Area Special and TBS News Special. Other studio appearances include NHK's "Asaichi" and BS Fuji's "Prime News". He is the author of Bokura no Kibou, Seiji no Real (Bokura no Kibou, Political Reality), published with Diet members from the Liberal Democratic Party, New Komeito, Restoration Party, Osaka Restoration Association, and Communist Party. He is also a director of the general incorporated foundation Gorin Bunko, a director of the NGO Nogesaka Glocal, and the first representative director of the Japan Youth Council. He is in charge of the direction of planning and policy making for All Nippon Renovation. See https://www.all-nippon.org/about
■ 講師 / Guest Speaker
柿崎 充(かきざき まこと)(#横浜STARTUP副代表。Sansan株式会社 デジタル戦略統括室 室長。一般社団法人CDO Club Japan 事務局マネージャー)
/ Makoto Kakizaki (#Yokohama STARTUP Vice President. General Manager, Digital Strategy Office, Sansan Co. (General Manager, CDO Club Japan Secretariat)
柿崎 充
#横浜STARTUP副代表 Sansan株式会社 デジタル戦略統括室 室長
一般社団法人CDO Club Japan 事務局マネージャー
慶應義塾大学在学中の2000年に共同創業メンバーとして起業に参画、その後2003年に自ら経営者として起業し中国瀋陽にも進出。2006年外資系コンサルティングファームのプライスウォーターハウスクーパース(旧ベリングポイント)入社。グローバル経営戦略やグループ経営管理態勢の調査・立案、金融機関のシステム・セキュリティ監査、内部統制強化支援、IR・統合報告支援などに幅広く従事。2013年よりSansanに入社し、2016年6月より現職。2018年より一般社団法人CDO Club Japanにも参画し、日本およびグローバルでデジタルトランスフォーメーションに関する調査・支援に取り組んでいる。
/ Mitsuru Kakizaki (#Yokohama STARTUP Vice President, General Manager, Digital Strategy Office, Sansan Co. General Manager, CDO Club Japan Secretariat )
Mr. Kakizaki joined PricewaterhouseCoopers (formerly Belling Point), a foreign consulting firm, in 2006. In 2006, he joined PricewaterhouseCoopers (formerly Belling Point), a foreign consulting firm, where he was involved in a wide range of projects, including research and planning of global management strategies and group management systems, system and security audits for financial institutions, support for strengthening internal controls, and support for investor relations and integrated reporting. He has been involved in research and support for digital transformation in Japan and globally.
西野 芙美(にしの ふみ)(株式会社TENGA マーケティング本部 国内マーケティング部 部長)
/ Fumi Nishino, General Manager, Domestic Marketing Department, Marketing Division, TENGA Corporation
西野 芙美
株式会社TENGA マーケティング本部 国内マーケティング部 部長
東京都出身。人材紹介会社、出版社勤務を経て2017年2月に株式会社TENGA入社。TENGAグループが展開するブランドの広報、PR業務を担当し、2021年3月よりTENGA 国内マーケティング部 部長。
2012~2013年 株式会社インテリジェンス
2013年~2017年 株式会社筑摩書房
2017年~現在 株式会社TENGA
広報チームマネジャー、国内コミュニケーショングループマネジャーを経て、現在は国内マーケティング部 部長として国内のPR業務を統括。
NHK「ニュース シブ5時」
Amazon Prime「キコキカク」など
/ Fumi Nishino, General Manager, Domestic Marketing Department, Marketing Division, TENGA Corporation
Born in Tokyo, Japan. After working for a recruiting company and a publishing company, he joined Tenga Corporation in February 2017, where he was in charge of public relations and PR for the Tenga Group's brands, and became General Manager of Tenga's Domestic Marketing Department in March 2021.
<Work Experience>
2012-2013 Intelligence Co.
(Currently: Parsol Career)
Responsible for sales of recruiting services.
2013 - 2017 Chikuma Shobo Co.
Worked part-time in the textbook editorial department for about three years as a student. After joining the company as a full-time employee, she worked as a member of the Advertising Department, where she was in charge of advertising planning, creative progress management, and copywriting for promotional materials. 2016 saw her take on a dual role in the Sales Department, where she was responsible for bookstore sales and product development for the new book label.
2017-present TENGA Inc.
As a PR manager for TENGA's brands TENGA, iroha and TENGA Healthcare, I am engaged in building media relations and planning and managing promotional plans. She also disseminates information as a "TENGA publicist.
Through activities that consider "sex" from the perspectives of culture, medicine and sociology, she strives to realize the company's vision of "changing sex into something that everyone can enjoy, as it should be.
After working as a public relations team manager and a domestic communication group manager, she is now in charge of domestic PR operations as a manager of the domestic marketing department.
<Media Appearance>
TV Tokyo "Chattering Old Man and Angry Woman
TV Asahi "Chojin joshi to zuke joshi
Nippon Television Network Corporation "Mayonaka no Heiroshitsu
NHK "News Shibu 5 Toki
Amazon Prime "Kikokikaku", etc.
■ モデレーター/ Moderator
御友 重希(みとも しげき)(一般社団法人CePiCメンター共同代表)
/ Shigeki MITOMO (Co-representative, Mentors for the Common earth Park international Community (CePiC))
御友 重希
尾張名古屋生まれ。三女二男の父。米コーネル大MBA/経済学士。大蔵/財務省で主計・主税・理財・国際局、伊ローマの大使館、官邸秘書官を経て、英チャタムハウス、G7時に環境省、G20時に金融庁に出向。JCや商工会等と「Common earth Park」「SDGs Innovation」共創で連携。官民交流でNRI未来創発センター主席研究員として、日中共同研究、新型コロナウイルス三位一体ショック再興戦略研究会( https://www.nri.com/jp/service/souhatsu/resilient )を主導。レジリエンスジャパン推進協議会の専門委員として提言実現に向け連携。アジア太平洋日英知の国際交流センター(CIIE.asia)、みんなの地球公園国際コミュニティー(CePiC)、Mother Earth with Geo Voice(MEGV)、SDGs Innovation HUB(SIH)、次の一万年クラブ(NTMC)等を創案・創設し、公共創造家(見習)として現在に至る。主著に『チャタムハウスから世界へ』(きんざい)、『SDGsの本質~企業家と金融によるサステナビリティの追及』(中央経済社)。
/ Shigeki MITOMO (Co-representative, Mentors for the Common earth Park international Community (CePiC))
Born in Nagoya, Owari. Father of three daughters and two sons. Bachelor's degree in Economics from University of Tokyo and MBA 1999 from Cornell University. After working for the Ministry of Finance, he was transferred to Chatham House in the UK, the Ministry of the Environment during the G7, and the Financial Services Agency during the G20. As a chief researcher at the NRI Center for Strategic Management & Innovation, he led the Japan-China joint research and the study group on the trinity shock revival strategy for the new coronavirus ( https://www.nri.com/jp/service/souhatsu/resilient ). He is also an expert member of the Resilient Japan Promotion Council, working to realize its recommendations. He has created and founded the Center for International Exchange of Japanese and British Knowledge in the Asia Pacific (CIIE.asia), the Common earth Park international Community (CePiC), Mother Earth with Geo Voice (MEGV), the SDGs Innovation HUB (SIH), and the Next Ten Millennia Club (NTMC). He is the founder of MEGV (Mother Earth with Geo Voice), SIH (SDGs Innovation HUB projects) NTM (Next Ten Millennia projects), and NTMC (Next Ten Thousand Years Club). He is the author of "From Chatham House to the World" (Kinzai) and "The Essence of SDGs: Pursuit of Sustainability by Entrepreneurs and Finance" (Chuokeizai-sha).
以上 / end
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